You’re likely to come away from a minor car accident less rattled than you would from a more significant one. Even so, you may be left with questions about what you are supposed to do in the wake of your losses, as they may be. Should you move your car after a minor accident? Should you get a lawyer for a minor accident?
Let’s break down your actionable opportunities in the wake of a minor car accident and determine what steps you should take to most effectively recover from your circumstances. When in doubt, you can collaborate with the car accident attorney in your area to effectively address the complexities of your circumstances.
Exchanging Insurance Information
It is always a good idea to communicate with the party with whom you got into your accident. You can do this by exchanging insurance information as well as contact information at the scene. If nothing else, it’s important to stay in touch with the person allegedly responsible for your accident so that you can communicate the extent of your losses.
In many cases, this initial exchange of information allows you to better negotiate for a settlement in the wake of someone else’s negligence. It also makes it easier for you to file a claim through the offending party’s insurance provider.
Later down the line, however, your ability to communicate with a party allegedly liable for your minor car accident can make it easier for you to communicate regarding the nature of any civil claim you choose to pursue.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Assessing the Damage Done to Your Car
Whether you choose to file an insurance claim or pursue civil action, you need to know what the economic value of your accident looks like. To establish this value, you need to calculate the dollar value of damages done to your car. You can do this by working with area mechanics and even an automotive manufacturer to determine the base value of your car and the cost of repairing it.
Should you need to replace your car in full – unlikely as that may be in the wake of a minor car accident – the party liable for your losses may be responsible for that cost. Similarly, if a minor accident requires you to rent a car to get to work or otherwise tend to your daily needs, you can discuss to what degree the liable party may have to support you through that process.
Scheduling Consultations With Doctors
Your car isn’t the only thing that can sustain injuries in a minor car accident. Even minor car accidents can see you contend with abrupt dental trauma, minor fractures, or other non-life-threatening injuries.
In the wake of even a minor car accident, it’s important for you to communicate with emergency responders and schedule appointments with your general practitioners. These appointments can keep you on top of your health and identify any unusual sources of pain or injury that you may trace to your accident.
If you need medical attention in the wake of a minor car accident, a liable party may have to help you pay for your essential medical attention. You can discuss the value of these visits and reliable parties’ relationship to them with our attorneys.
Going to the Hospital After a Minor Car Accident
In the days following your minor car accident, unusual pain or tenderness may prompt you to ask: “should I go to the hospital after a minor car accident?” The answer depends on your pre-existing knowledge of your help and the severity of your discomfort.
Minor car accidents can cause injury and back pain that, when left untreated, can come pound into an uncomfortable, if not detrimental, health condition. While you may not require emergency services, a visit to the hospital can prevent a seemingly innocent twinge from developing into something more complicated.
Contact our personal injury lawyers today
877-751-9800Discussing Settlement Opportunities With Car Accident Lawyers
Not every minor car accident victim needs to file a civil claim to secure compensation for their losses. That said, if you’re contending with an uncooperative defendant or losses that are more substantial than they initially seemed, a personal injury claim may give you the means to both physically and financially recover from your accident.
If you think a minor car accident civil claim may be in your future, you can schedule an initial case consultation with a car accident attorney in your area. During this initial consultation, we can discuss why you want to pursue your case and how that pursuit may benefit you.
Calculating the Value of Your Minor Car Accident
What is the average settlement for a minor car accident? As is the case with major car accidents, the settlement attributed to your case is going to differ from every other settlement that’s already been issued. Our team can estimate the value of a settlement you pursue through negotiations or trial, but it must be based on your unique losses.
That said, the average settlement for a minor car accident often allows the victim to recover:
- Medical expenses
- Property damage, repair, replacement, and/or rental
- Lost wages for time off of work
- Lost opportunities for employment
- Stress
- Emotional distress
We calculate the settlement you may receive from a minor car accident case by first adding up the sum of your billable losses. After that, we can use multipliers approved by your state to stand in for losses like stress or emotional distress. Our team can also refer to civil precedent to determine what settlements other parties have received for similar losses.
Let’s Address Your Minor Car Accident Together
Our car accident attorneys believe victims should not have to bear the financial burden of other drivers’ negligence. If someone else caused your collision, you have a right to seek a settlement for your injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
If you’ve recently been in a minor car accident, you can contact the car accident attorneys with Morelli Law Firm. Request a case evaluation today by calling our office or reaching out through our online form. Our team is ready to fight for your right to post-accident recovery.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form