Fortunately, victims of scaffold accidents throughout Clifton have the right to hold negligent parties accountable for their deliberate or accidental oversights. If you’re contending with the consequences of an accident you know wasn’t your fault, you can contact Morelli Law Firm and meet with a scaffold accident lawyer in Clifton, NJ, to discuss your right to a lawsuit.
What to Do When Workers’ Compensation Doesn’t Come Through
New Jersey’s Department of Workers’ Compensation requires employers to purchase the insurance they need to help protect employees like you from the financial aspect of work-related accidents. As such, you should have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim after a scaffold accident or pursue compensation for your losses through your insurer.
Unfortunately, neither workers’ compensation insurers nor private insurers always operate with their clients’ best interests at heart. These parties may deny your claim on the basis of inadequate injury or misrepresented employment. For example, if you work as an independent contractor and not an employee, you may not qualify for workers’ compensation.
What are you supposed to do in the face of a rejected workers’ compensation claim? You have several options available to you, all of which can help you secure the financial support you need to conquer your accident-related bills. You can file a personal injury claim against your employer or take legal action against a third party who may be responsible for your losses.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against a Third Party
There are instances in which you may place blame for a recent scaffold accident on a third party unrelated to your employer. If a subcontractor improperly installed a construction site’s scaffolds, you could name them liable for your losses in a personal injury claim. You can similarly take action against anyone whose negligence endangers you while on a site’s scaffolding.
What’s more, you may have the right to file a scaffold accident claim against a third party while also pursuing a workers’ compensation claim via your employer. If you take this course of action, the financial support you get from your workers’ compensation claim may impact your personal injury settlement.
That said, you can work out damage details with a Clifton, NJ, scaffolding injury attorney.
If you want to take legal action against a third party, know that you have to bring forward evidence proving that said party engaged in negligent behavior that violated the duty of care owed to you at the scene of your accident. The complaint you file with a Clifton civil court should name your liable party, estimate your total damages, and defend both claims with hard data.
Don’t Let Insurance Providers or Negligent Parties Undervalue Your Claim
Pursuing a scaffold injury claim allows you to demand economic and non-economic damages from a third party or your employer. Comparatively, workers’ compensation claims only allow you to secure economic damages based on the cost of your recovery.
That said, some liable parties, particularly corporations, may reach out to you while you’re still investigating the nature of your scaffolding accident. These parties may offer you a settlement to keep your case out of court. You should consider these settlement offers. However, you should also know that many settlement offers vastly underestimate the possible value of your case.
With that in mind, if you do receive a settlement offer, consider bringing it to an attorney’s attention. Morelli Law Firm can weigh a settlement offer against our independent estimate of your case’s value. If the scaffold accident settlement offer doesn’t seem like it will cover the cost of your recovery, we can negotiate for more while continuing to build your complaint.
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877-751-9800Bring Your Scaffold Accident Claim Forward Before Time Runs Out
Whether you want to take up a personal injury complaint against a third party or your employer, you need to do so within New Jersey’s personal injury statute of limitations. New Jersey Statutes section 2A:14-2 states that you have only two years to investigate your losses, name a liable party, and present a completed complaint to a civil judge.
You must bring your scaffold accident claim forward within that two-year period if you want to negotiate for a settlement or take your losses to court. New Jersey courts can deny you your right to compensation if you try to file your scaffold accident claim outside of that statute of limitations.
How are you supposed to stay on top of your filing deadline if you’re contending with scaffold accident injuries, though? You can call on a scaffold accident attorney in Clifton, NJ, for help. Our team makes sure you can prioritize your recovery. While you go to physical therapy or get the treatments you need, we fill out your claim.
Let an Attorney Champion Your Scaffold Accident Case
You don’t need to go into a fight against a negligent employer, an insurance provider, or a liable third party without support. If you have questions about your right to financial compensation in the wake of a scaffolding injury, you can turn to the scaffold accident lawyers in Clifton. Morelli Law Firm can champion your case while you address accident-related injuries.
Our team can help you identify your post-accident rights and how you can best enact them. This means that we:
- Determine your right to a workers’ compensation
- Help you investigate negligence in the face of a rejected claim
- Value your scaffold accident case
- Identify any third parties that may bear additional liability for your workplace losses
- Ensure that any settlement offers you receive fairly address the full scope of your losses
- Prevent parties from trying to intimidate you out of legal action
- Represent your best interests in negotiations and before a judge
You can discuss which scaffold accident services may best benefit your case during an initial evaluation with our team. Morelli Law Firm wants to meet your needs, no matter how hands-off or hands-on they are, when the time comes to fight for your accident compensation.
Contact a Scaffolding Injury Lawyer in Clifton Today
Whether you’re responding to a rejected workers’ compensation claim or spearheading a personal injury investigation, New Jersey makes you act quickly. Don’t let your personal injury filing deadline get away from you. Let a Clifton, NJ, scaffold injury lawyer with Morelli Law Firm help you build a comprehensive scaffold injury complaint.
You can bring your questions and concerns about your scaffold injury case to our team today. To request a case evaluation from the Morelli Law Firm team, call our main office. You can also contact us through our website. We can get back to you, get your appointment on the books, and help pave your way toward a more financially-stable recovery.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form