Electrocution accidents can happen anywhere. Whether your landlord forgets to update your wiring or a construction crew leaves power lines unchecked, you may fall victim to one of the most devastating kinds of personal accidents that can plague New York residents.
You can take action in the wake of these accidents, though. If you bring another party’s negligence to the attention of a civil judge, Long Island electrocution lawyers can advocate for your right to compensation.
Don’t wait for your case’s statute of limitations to pass. You can work with Morelli Law Firm to take legal action after an electrocution accident. Our personal injury lawyers in Long Island are ready to file a claim on your behalf.
What to Do After an Electrocution Accident
Electrocution accidents can have a direct impact on your long-term health. Healthy adults recovering from an electrocution accident may find that the accident disrupted their heartbeat, damaged their nervous system, or left them with lifelong burns. Parties with steel hips or pacemakers may come away from these accidents in need of emergency surgery.
With that in mind, call emergency responders immediately after an electrocution accident. You should work with medical professionals, including your general practitioner, to establish a plan for your recovery. You can also call an insurance provider to report the nature of your accident and initiate a request for financial support.
You should only consider legal action after you’ve addressed all of your accident-related injuries. That said, you or your personal representative can reach out to an attorney within hours of your accident to begin discussing your right to legal action.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Who to Hold Liable for an Electrocution Accident
If you want to take legal action after an electrocution accident, you need to determine who you can hold responsible for your losses. That liable party may be an individual, or it may be a corporation. Either way, you must have evidence to define that party’s identity if you want to file a personal injury claim against them.
Personal injury claims help you get justice for an accident caused by another party’s negligence. When filling out these claims, it’s your responsibility to elaborate on why you believe a negligent party violated the duty of care owed to you at the accident scene.
The evidence you bring forward to help make your case can range from statements regarding the accident scene’s safety to first-hand accounts of a liable party’s negligence. Video and photo footage from the accident scene can also contribute to your fight for justice. You can discuss which forms of evidence might best help your case with a Long Island electrocution lawyer.
How to Address Your Electrocution Accident-Related Bills
Unfortunately, post-electrocution medical care and property replacements can rack up a considerable amount of bills. It’s not fair that you have to pay for your recovery when someone else’s negligence caused your accident. While you can rely on your insurer to cover some of your expenses, isn’t there a way to hold a liable party accountable for your recovery?
Yes, there is. You can include an estimate of your accident-related expenses in your claim with a Long Island civil court. You need to find the total of your economic and non-economic losses before you can request compensation for them from your liable party.
You must, however, have evidence to defend your right to certain forms of compensation. This may mean bringing your attorney your medical bills, repair invoices, and related documentation to tie those losses back to your accident. Our attorneys can then assess your right to non-economic damages for losses like emotional distress or pain and suffering.
We can then carry the sum total of your losses forward in a civil claim, ensuring that the liable party understands why you’re requesting certain kinds of support and how you can argue for that support before a judge.
Contact our Long Island Personal Injury Lawyers today
877-751-9800Filing Your Electrocution Claim Before Your Statute of Limitations Expires
You have a limited amount of time in which New York law allows you to pursue compensation for an electrocution accident. New York Civil Practice Law & Rules section 214 prevents personal injury survivors from acting on their losses if more than three years have passed since the initial accident.
That means you have three years from the day of your electrocution to bring a claim forward in civil court. You can request that an attorney begin investigating your circumstances within hours or days of your initial accident. The sooner you get in touch with a team of professionals, the more data you can find to support your claim before your deadline passes.
Life After Filing an Electrocution Claim
What can you expect from the legal system after you file an electrocution claim? You may have to wait a few months before the courts move your request for legal action forward. Provided that the court approves your claim, you can then summon a liable party for a conversation about your losses. At the same time, you can initiate discovery into your electrocution accident.
It’s up to you whether you negotiate for an electrocution accident settlement or you pursue a traditional trial. Neither process is better than the other. Negotiations tend to give you more direct control over the conversations you have about your right to compensation. Trials put that control into a judge’s hands.
During an initial lawsuit evaluation, you can discuss which path to electrocution compensation suits your case best. Our electrocution attorneys in Long Island can keep you updated on a complaint’s progress after you file. Meanwhile, we can prepare you for whichever legal process you choose to pursue.
Electrocution Lawyers in Long Island Stand Up for You
Electrocution lawyers understand that recovering from a traumatic accident takes considerable resources. We believe that it’s not fair for you to foot the bill for losses that another party imposed on you. That’s why the electrocution lawyers in Long Island work with you to hold negligent parties accountable for their electrifying misconduct.
You can work with Morelli Law Firm to bring evidence of a party’s negligence forward in civil court. We can then interface with a liable party throughout your fight for accident compensation. Contact us through Morelli Law Firm’s website or by calling our office to request a case evaluation today.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form