If you have faced sexual harassment in the workplace or at school, you have rights. We know how to protect them. In fact, we got a $95 million settlement for one of our clients, which is the biggest ever single plaintiff verdict for sexual harassment. When you work with us, you will be in experienced, capable hands.

A man makes his female colleague uncomfortable in the office. Sexual harassment attorneys in Philadelphia understand the damage caused by this inappropriate behavior.
Damages from a Sexual Harassment Case
Sexual harassment can have devastating effects. Not only does it cause emotional harm, but it can also bring repercussions in the workplace. In some cases, victims can be threatened with retaliation if they say anything. This behavior creates a hostile work environment. Some people even quit because of the fear, anxiety, and emotional damage it has done.
A Philadelphia sexual harassment lawyer will help you reclaim your life by recovering the financial damages you deserve. Some of the monetary damages for which you may receive compensation include:
Back Wages and Benefits
If you did not get a promotion or a position because you denied sexual advances, then you can file to receive the back pay for the wages you would have been paid. You will also be eligible for vacation and sick pay, bonuses, and other perks, such as profit sharing or retirement benefits.
Front Wages
This compensation is for those people who actually lost their job or were forced out due to sexual harassment. The judge may award you your job back, but if it is not feasible for you to return due to the conditions, then you can be awarded pay for future earnings.
Pain and Suffering Damages
Damages for pain and suffering take into account your emotional suffering. You may have suffered damage to your reputation because of losing a job (if applicable). Other costs for your suffering may also apply.
Punitive Damages
Oftentimes the judge will award an additional amount to punish the defendant. Punitive damages serve to discourage future misconduct.
Sexual harassment is a serious issue. A Philadelphia sexual harassment lawyer will pursue every opportunity for you to reclaim the financial compensation you deserve. for your situation.
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877-751-9800What to Do After You Are Sexually Harassed
Sexual harassment is often used as a way to manipulate people. The law protects your right not to be harassed. Most companies and schools also have a zero-tolerance stance. These actions can help you take back control of the situation:
- Tell your harasser to stop the inappropriate behavior
- Submit a written complaint to HR or your school counselor
- File a complaint
When sexual harassment results as a misunderstanding, simply asking the person to stop will resolve the situation. Any reasonable person will discontinue acting in a manner that makes you uncomfortable.
Filing a Complaint
If you cannot resolve your grievance alone, you are legally entitled to file a complaint. You can do this by contacting either the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). Don’t hesitate to escalate your complaint if necessary.
Can I Be Fired for Making a Sexual Harassment Complaint?
Pennsylvania is an at-will employment state. That means an employer can terminate an employee at any time and for any reason. Employees can also walk away from a job at any time, for any reason.
However, the at-will doctrine has exceptions. Your employer cannot fire you for discriminatory or retaliatory reasons. Employment discrimination laws protect you from being fired as retaliation if you complain about sexual harassment. Our sexual harassment lawyers in Philadelphia can stand by your side if you fear retaliation.
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877-751-9800How a Philadelphia Sexual Harassment Lawyer Can Help
First and foremost, your lawyer can help you out of a difficult situation. Sexual harassment can make you feel isolated and hopeless. We will support you and advocate for your rights. Your attorney can help you determine what type of harassment you are experiencing and to do about it.
Your attorney can communicate with your employer or the defendant on your behalf. If you have never had to deal with sexual harassment before, we can explain your options for legal recourse. Our team will stand by you through this process and handle your case with care.
What if I Can’t Afford a Philadelphia Sexual Harassment Lawyer?
Other law firms may charge by the hour or require you to pay a retainer fee before they offer you their services. Our team works on a contingency fee basis. The fee you pay is based on a percentage of the compensation you win from your case. You pay nothing in advance. You pay nothing out of pocket. We only get paid when you do.
Defining Sexual Harassment
Some people face sexual harassment at work but are unsure if the behavior qualifies as that. As presented by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), any type of sexual harassment is unlawful. This includes any unwelcomed sexual behavior and solicitations for sex.
Sexual harassment does not necessarily have to be about sexual activities, although that certainly qualifies. It can also be offending remarks about a person’s gender, jokes inappropriate to the environment, or conversations of a personal nature. For example, if a person makes insulting remarks about women to a woman, then that can be sexual harassment.
Unwelcome Sexual Advances
Unwelcome sexual advances might include suggestive comments or hints that you could get a better position in the company if you reciprocated the attention. Obviously, sexual touching is crossing a line and could be sexual assault. This behavior could bring even greater repercussions.
Offensive Remarks
When it comes to someone making offensive remarks, it is important to note that the key component of this being unlawful is harassment. That implies sexual harassment involves the perpetrator saying these things so frequently or severely that it creates a hostile environment. It may even lead to a person feeling like they have to leave their job.
Find peace of mind by getting help with your financial burden from your injuries. A sexual harassment lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania can help you determine if your situation qualifies.
Statute of Limitations on Sexual Harassment in Philadelphia, PA
Victims of sexual harassment may not feel comfortable enough to come forward with complaints right away. When you’re ready to put a stop to the harassment, our legal team can walk you through everything you need to do.
Try not to wait too long to reach out to us, though. As stated by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC), you only have 180 days to file your claim.
Contact a Philadelphia Sexual Harassment Lawyer
At the Morelli Law Firm, our Philadelphia sexual harassment attorneys are ready to help you move on with your life. Schedule your free consultation today. We will exhaust every resource available to relieve you from a difficult situation.
We pride ourselves on being fierce protectors of injured and voiceless victims. Our motivation is a passion for righting the wrongs done to our clients.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form