You already trust UPS truck drivers to keep your packages and mail safe from harm. When you’re on the road with these drivers, however, you also trust them with your personal safety. A truck driver who fails to uphold roadway laws or otherwise engages in negligence can do you serious long-term harm.
Fortunately, victims of car accidents with UPS trucks in Yonkers, NY, can take action against the parties responsible for their losses. You can collaborate with a Yonkers UPS truck accident attorney to discuss through what means you can demand compensation from the parties liable for your accident.
The Question of Liability in a UPS Truck Accident Case
It is rare for UPS’s stable of truck drivers to include full-time employees. That does not mean, however, that the party that hits you on the road may not be labeled as such within their company. You need to determine what the label of the driver who hit you is before you take up a civil complaint against them.
If, for example, you get into an accident with a full-time UPS employee, you do not hold that single employee liable for your losses. Instead, you hold UPS as a company responsible for the expenses related to your accident.
This is why UPS more often hires independent contractors as their truck drivers. Independent contractors must represent themselves in cases resulting from roadway accidents. While UPS May provide them with protection via an insurance company, these parties are responsible for any damages owed to victims like yourself in the wake of alleged negligence.
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877-751-9800The Time Limit on Your UPS Truck Accident Case
UPS truck accident survivors need to act quickly in the wake of their losses if they want to pursue compensation through civil courts. The New York statute of limitations that applies to broader personal injury cases also applies to cases involving these corporate employees or independent contractors.
This means that you must abide by New York Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §214 if you want to bring a complaint forward. Your actual time is limited to three years from the day your accident occurs.
If you’re not able to submit your complaint within this time period, civil courts in New York can deny you your right to compensation as secured through trial or negotiated means. When you schedule a consultation with a UPS truck accident lawyer in Yonkers, NY, though, you can stay on top of the deadlines relevant to your case.
Evidence Used in UPS Truck Accident Cases
Before you can request compensation for your UPS truck accident losses, you must submit evidence indicating that one party or another engaged in the misconduct that resulted in your losses. The evidence you submit will stand as proof of a violated duty of care and the subsequent damages.
The evidence you can bring forward relating to the nature of liability in your case can range from video footage of your accident to expert witness statements. Our attorneys can also wrangle bystanders and ensure that we have an accurate understanding of how your accident occurred. Other viable forms of evidence can include:
- Bills from a mechanic or medical professionals regarding your losses
- Physical debris from the accident
- Still photos of your losses
- Input from police reports
Social Media and Your UPS Truck Accident Case
There are certain forms of social media that can be used to elaborate on the nature of your losses in civil court. That said, it is in your best interest to avoid discussing a case you intend to pursue in civil court on social media. When you’re contending with a company like UPS, the less you say online about your case, the better.
Many civil cases that end up discussed online end up longer than either the plaintiff or the defendant wants them to be. Most judges will require you to present evidence of online contact should you choose to elaborate on the nature of your accident on social media platforms.
With that in mind, you can collaborate with a UPS truck accident attorney in Yonkers, NY, to establish a social media action plan for you and your loved ones. In most cases, this means limiting the ways in which you discussed your accident, should you discuss it at all. You can learn more about our social media policies when you meet with our team.
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877-751-9800Your UPS Truck Accident Compensation
Your UPS truck accident losses may entitle you to compensation, provided that you can elaborate on the way a liable party’s negligence contributed to them. In most cases, you can request coverage for your:
- Lost opportunities to work or seek out employment
- Property damage and essential repairs
- Medical expenses
- Emotional distress
- Stress
- Pain and suffering
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Wrongful death, as applicable
If the liable party involved in your case is accused of excessive negligence or obscene recklessness, you may even receive punitive damages. You cannot request punitive damages in a truck accident complaint but rather may benefit from them at the behest of a judge.
You don’t Have to Man Your UPS Truck Accident Case Alone
Overcoming losses affiliated with a UPS truck accident can be a challenge on your own. While you have the right to represent yourself after a truck accident, doing so with the help of a UPS truck accident attorney from Yonkers can make the process easier. More specifically, our team can take the wheel of your case while you are still recovering from any accident-related injuries.
We pride ourselves on our ability to assess the nature of your case in a timely manner. We gather data related to your losses and compile it to accurately represent the nature of your involvement in such an accident. From there, we can keep you updated as your case progresses past county clerks and explain what options an approved case may give you.
Whether you choose to negotiate with a liable party or take that party to court, you can count on our team to stand alongside you. We can prepare your opening statements, ensure that settlement offers meet your needs, and remind you that no defendant has the right to intimidate you out of legal action.
Contest Your UPS Truck Accident Losses Today
UPS drivers perform an essential service for everyone in their care. In doing so, however, these truck drivers must make a reasonable effort to protect other parties on the road from undue harm. UPS drivers who fail to take your safety into account can then be held liable for truck accident losses in civil court.
If you are struggling to recover from an accident with a UPS truck, let the team with Morley Law Firm know. Our team of UPS truck accident attorneys in Yonkers, NY, can stand with you while you pursue compensation for your case. You can request a case evaluation by calling our team or sharing information about your losses through our online form.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form