Speeding can cause trucking accidents when the at-fault truck driver is moving too fast to stop at a safe distance or on short notice, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Speeding might also lead to accidents when a truck driver cannot avoid unexpected objects in the road or when speeding or other forms of reckless or erratic driving cause dangerous cargo shifts.
A truck driver who was speeding might have been simply going faster than the posted speed limit. Speeding might also mean the truck driver was obeying the speed limit but was driving too fast for road, weather, or traffic conditions. Any form of speeding is dangerous and might lead to an accident resulting in injuries and property damage.
Truck driver speeding is dangerous enough that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports it as a major cause of trucking accidents. Understanding why the truck driver who hit your car was speeding might help determine the cause of the accident. Possible causes of truck driver speeding include:
- Traffic obstructions
- Drivers running late
- Neglect of others
- Frustration or irritation
If you hire a trucking accident lawyer to guide you through seeking financial compensation, he might also be able to help you prove the at-fault truck driver was speeding and uncover his reason for speeding. Proving his speeding was negligent might establish your right to financial recovery.
Recoverable Damages After a Trucking Accident
You may seek financial compensation for the expenses and losses that stem from a trucking accident by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault truck driver. Because no two truck accident victims will have the same type or amount of recoverable damages, a personal injury lawyer may be able to help you assess and calculate the damages you are entitled to, including:
- Past and pending medical bills
- Past and pending lost wages
- Emotional pain and suffering
- Physical pain and suffering
- Property damage or loss
- Physical disfigurement
- Physical disability
Accurately calculating the financial impact of the accident is critical to settlement negotiations. Your lawyer can help you determine the potential value of your compensation package before starting any settlement negotiations and before representing you in court.
Calculate the Overall Cost of Your Injuries
In accidents involving large trucks and passenger cars, the occupants of the smaller vehicle are more likely to suffer injuries and fatalities in part because of the difference in size, weight, and height between the two vehicles. In addition, because the truck requires significantly greater stopping time and distance, the force of an impact can cause catastrophic, potentially life-threatening injuries for the vehicle occupants. Potential injuries you might sustain in a speeding-related trucking accident include:
- Head and neck injuries
- Back and spine injuries
- Broken limbs and bones
- Sprains, strains, and burns
- Internal injuries and bleeding
Your injuries might require extensive and costly health care treatments, like hospital admissions, surgery, and rehabilitation. They might also require assistive medical devices, like wheelchairs, crutches, and canes. You might be able to compel compensation for these injuries from the truck driver whose speeding caused your accident.
Make the Time After a Trucking Accident Work for You
If you were injured or someone you love was fatally injured in a trucking accident caused by speeding, the time you have to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit is limited. Called the statute of limitations, your state imposes a specific timeline on each type of civil lawsuit you might file. Filing your lawsuit on time is as important as valuing your compensation.
On your own, it can be challenging to determine the date that establishes compliance with the statute of limitations. You might also have a difficult time defining how the statute of limitations applies to personal injury lawsuits as opposed to wrongful death lawsuits. Your lawyer will explain the relevant statute of limitations and let you know if any of the circumstances of your accident might toll, or pause, the statute.
You Can Recover from a Collision with a Speeding Truck Driver
Find out how speeding can cause trucking accidents, physical injuries, and property damage. They might also cause financial damage that should be the responsibility of the at-fault truck driver, his employer, or his truck’s manufacturer. Let a member of our personal injury team help you prepare a solid case for financial compensation against a speeding truck driver. Contact Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800 today.